Consumption of psychoactive substances in road accidents treated in six hospitals in the province of Buenos Aires


  • Ana Nina Varela Baino Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Martín Salazar Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Beatriz Di Biasi Fundación niños sin tóxicos, Fundartox, Argentina
  • Carlos Damin Fundación niños sin tóxicos, Fundartox, Argentina
  • Ana Barrionuevo Fundación niños sin tóxicos, Fundartox, Argentina
  • Verónica González Martínez Dirección de Investigación, Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Elisa Estenssoro Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


accidents, traffic, marijuana use,, marijuana abuse, alcoholic intoxication


Introduction: Traffic accidents and their associated mortality continue to be high worldwide. Cannabis and other psychoactive substances (PAS) and their association with traffic accidents have been little studied in our environment. Objective: To determine the association of cannabis consumption, isolated or associated with alcohol (up to 6 hours prior to hospital admission) with the likelihood of admission to an emergency room (ER) in public hospitals due to injuries caused by traffic accidents. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out in 6 hospitals of the province of Buenos Aires. A voluntary survey on PAS consumption upon admission to the ER was distributed; and the population was split according to admission due to traffic accidents or to other causes. The effect of cannabis use on the likelihood of admission due to accidents was evaluated with logistic regression analysis. Results: Of 2116 patients older than 15 years of age admitted, 1463 completed the PAS survey; 109 (7.5%) were admitted due to traficc accidents. Of them, 56 (51.4%) were driving a vehicle, 60 (55%) were men, and 252 (17.2%) declared PAS consumption. Those admitted to the ER due to a traffic accident were significantly younger (35 ± 11 vs. 38 ± 17; p= 0.003) and reported having used cannabis more frequently [26 (23.9%) vs. 102 (7.5%); p< 0.001] or cannabis and alcohol [10 (9.3%) vs 46 (3.4%); p= 0.002], with alcohol consumption being marginally significant [14 (13.1%) vs. 113 (8.4); p= 0.099]. Cannabis use was a strong independent predictor of admission due to an accident, adjusted for age, sex, alcohol consumption and educational level (OR 3.69; 95% CI 2.08-6.52). Discussion: This study suggests an association between cannabis consumption and traffic accidents. It would be appropriate to conduct prospective cohort studies specifically designed to evaluate this relationship.


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How to Cite

Consumption of psychoactive substances in road accidents treated in six hospitals in the province of Buenos Aires. (2024). SALUD Publica. Ministerio De Salud De La Provincia De Buenos Aires, Argentina (Ministry of Health of the Buenos Aires Province), 3.